Monday 15 July 2024

Kaduna Electric Frontline July Edition


We Must be Consistent in Improving Every Aspect of the Business…. Area Manager Gonin Gora


CCD: You are one of the high performing Area Managers in Kaduna Electric: How do you feel being amongst the best?

IGHO: Being among the high performing Area Managers can be a very fulfilling and rewarding experience, it’s a great feeling to know that my hard work and dedication is paying off, and that I am making positive impact on my team and the organization. It gives me a sense of accomplishment and pride in my work, as well as the ability to inspire and motivate my team to achieve their best.

CCD: What do you think are the most challenging aspects of your assignment as Area Manager?


Area Manager Gonin- Gora


IGHO: As Area Manager, the most challenging aspect of my work includes;

1- Leading and managing my team, motivating and guiding team members to achieve their best, handling conflicts and performance issues as well as effective communication is an aspect to handle with care.

2- Customer satisfaction and loyalty; Ensuring customers complaints are resolved promptly and building relationships to gain customer’s trust and loyalty.

3- Time Management and coordination; balancing multiple responsibilities, prioritizing tasks and managing time effectively to meet deadlines and goals.

4- Coaching and developing my team members; providing constructive feedback and coaching my team members to improve performance and achieve our performance targets.

5- Making tough decisions; handling difficult situations, making tough decisions and standing by it while maintaining team morale and motivation and many more.


CCD: How are you coping with the menace of energy theft, vandalism, illegal connection etc.

IGHO: We have implemented various strategies to combat energy theft, vandalism and illegal customers;

1-Collaboration with law enforcement; we are working closely with authorities to identify and prosecute perpetrators.

2-Customer engagement and education; we keep informing customers about the risks and consequences of energy theft, vandalism and illegal connection to our network and the boomerang effect on their communities. We also have regularly been encouraging communities to educate their members and report illegal connections on our networks for proper capturing.


CCD: How is your Area Office faring in terms of billing and collection efficiency vis-à-vis target?

IGHO: I am pleased to report that my Area office is performing well in terms of billing vis- a- vis collection.  Currently, our billing and collection efficiency stands at 97%, which is slightly above our target of 95%. We’ve achieved this through a combination of effective customer engagement and communication, regular follow-ups and reminders as well as continuous monitoring and analysis of our collection data

While we are doing well, we are not complacent. We are continually exploring ways to improve our processes and enhance customer experience to maintain our high collection rates.


CCD: Tapping from your wealth of experience, what does it take to be a good leader?

IGHO: For me, to be a good leader you must have the following;

i) Vision; clearly defined goals, objectives and strategies.

ii) Communication; effectively listening and speaking to inspire team members. 

iii) Decisiveness; making informed, timely and decisive decisions.

iv) Coaching; ensuring the growth of team members on the job.

v) Emotional intelligence; understanding and managing team members’ collaboration, adaptability and many more makes you a good leader.


CCD: Poor customers’ response to payment of  bills is today the greatest challenge facing the Company besides having adverse effect on revenue, this is making it extremely difficult for the Company to meet its market obligations. What do you think is the cause of poor customers’ response and what are you doing to reverse the trend?

IGHO: Mostly poor customer responses is due to their unwillingness to comply with due dates for payment as stated on the bills. Some of the customers have failed to realize that electricity is not being paid for by the government as such it should be given the priority it deserves. As it is now, most families put it at the bottom of their priorities instead of top priority.

Well, we are doing a lot to reverse this ugly trend by; Improving communication; clear and regular notifications via calls and SMS; Engagement with customers; Regular reminder and notifications to avoid forgetfulness; Enhancing customer service experience through timely complaints resolution; Flexible payment plans and many more.


CCD: What is the success story behind Igho Okpako and what is the most difficult decision you have ever made in any official capacity?

IGHO: A combination of consistency in achieving desired results such as; meeting collection targets, reducing ATC&C losses, customer satisfaction and increasing customer base as well as building a formidable team towards achieving success.

The most difficult decision I have taken in an official capacity was recently in April 2024 when I was posted to Gonin Gora AO; on the day I assumed office there were deep crisis and on the eve of civil unrest as the community within my cluster had already made arrangements for the worst, I had to get my team members and solicited to see the community, we went there same day, knowing the risk involved just to prevent the already planned protest. It wasn’t an easy decision to go but we took it and the situation was brought under control and I must say the community is a satisfied community today helping to foster relationships.

As it is now, most families put it at the bottom of their priorities instead of top priority.

Well we are doing a lot to reverse this ugly trend by;

Improving communication; clear and regular notifications via calls and SMS

Engagement with customers

Regular reminder and notifications to avoid forgetfulness

Enhancing customer service experience through timely complaints resolution.

Flexible payment plans and many more.


CCD: What is the success story behind Igho Okpako and what is the most difficult decision you have ever made in any official capacity?

A combination of consistency in achieving desired results such as; meeting collection targets, reducing ATC&C losses, customer satisfaction and increasing customer base as well as building a formidable team towards achieving success.

The most difficult decision I have taken in an official capacity was recently in April 2024 when I was posted to Gonin Gora AO; on the day I assumed office, there were deep crisis and on the eve of civil unrest as the community within my cluster had already made arrangements for the worst, I had to get my team members and solicited to see the community, we went there same day, knowing the risk involved just to prevent the already planned protest. It wasn’t an easy decision to go but we took it and the situation was brought under control and I must say the community is a satisfied community today helping to foster relationships.


CCD: Who is Igho Okpako and what brings out the best in her?

IGHO: Igho Okpako is a strategic thinker, a collaborative leader. I motivate my team to achieve their best, fostering a culture of open communication and trust among my team members.

I am motivated basically by autonomy and ownership; it brings out the best in me.

I thrive knowing I have the freedom to make decisions and take charge of my Area Office; that is ownership.

 Recognition and feedback; Constructive feedbacks also brings out the best in me.

Collaboration and team work as well as continuous learning and celebrating successes keeps me motivated.


CCD: If you are given an opportunity to talk to the entire staff, what will you tell us, what will be your message?

IGHO: I am humbled and grateful for the opportunity to share my success story with you all.

As an Area Manager, I have had the privilege of leading an incredible team and together we have achieved remarkable results. Our journey wasn’t without challenges but we embraced them as opportunities to grow and learn, we have focused on building a CUSTOMER CENTRIC CULTURE fostering collaborations, motivation and continuous improvements.

I will urge everyone to;

Take ownership

Be consistent

Improve customer satisfaction

In all, remember our collective efforts shape our company’s success; let’s continue to strive for excellence and our company would be a pace setter for others to follow.





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