Friday 20 September 2024


"We are Committed to Improve Service Delivery" _AM Millennium City Assures Customers.

By Jamila Bala

The Area Manager, Millennium City Area Office in Kaduna, Mr. Aminu Bakori, has reiterated the commitment of the Area Office in particular and the Company in general to improved service delivery and timely response to customers' complaints.

Mr. Bakori made the assertion last week during the routine Customers' engagement session hosted by the Millennium City Area Office.

He called on customers of the Company in the Millennium City Area Office to reciprocate the renewed commitment of the Company by discharging their obligations as at when due.

According to Mr Bakori "the bilateral trade regulation recently introduced into the Nigerian Electricity Supply Market by the Regulator has made it imperative for both the Company and its customers to work together as partners and Stakeholders".

"If we want an improved and sustainable electricity services, we must be ready to pay our obligation to the market", he said. 

He expressed the Company's appreciation for the high turnout of customers at the session, assuring all that the Company value its customers feedback. 

In his contribution, the Customers' Engagement Manager, Mr. Sunday Yahaya emphasised the importance of energy management, urging electricity users to always switch off electrical appliances when leaving their houses or when not needed. 

Also, the HoU, Customers Service, Mrs. Fumilayo King took the session through the approved customers grievance redress mechanism where she enlightened the house on the Rights and Obligations of the customers in current dispensation.

High points of the engagement session were a presentation of the three months commercial performance of the Area Office where the urgent need for improvement in payment of electricity bills was further stressed as well as questions and answers session.

Revenue Protection Unit Is Making Significant Progress

By Asma’u Mohammed

Kaduna Electric's Revenue Protection Unit (RPU) has made considerable strides in enhancing revenue recovery and boosting revenue generation, despite facing some operational challenges.

The Head of Unit, Ibrahim Jada, disclosed that as part of their efforts to improve billing accuracy, the Unit has identified and deactivated 71 obsolete and internally tampered meters. This step ensures that the affected customers will have to obtain new meters, enabling more accurate energy consumption measurements.

According to him, legal action will be taken against repeat offenders, and aggressive follow-up efforts on defaulters are planned. Monitoring will be intensified, particularly on Band A feeders, while Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) and Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) reports will be leveraged to strategically monitor Maximum Demand customers.

He said the MD Loss Reduction team is also planning a night and weekend raids focused on high-revenue customers and Band A feeders. In addition, there are plans for internal redeployment of RPU staff to address skills gaps. 

Kaduna Electric remains committed to overcoming these challenges and improving both service delivery and revenue generation in the months ahead


Non-Settlement of Bills Identified as a Major Setback in Attaining Service Efficiency

By Muhammad Abba

The Zamfara Regional Manager, Malam Gadaffi Ibrahim Saminaka, warned that non-payment of electricity bills could lead to increased costs for other users, potential blackouts, brownouts, and even destabilize the entire power grid, causing widespread disruptions.

Mal. Ibrahim made the assertion last week during a customers engagement session. The session, organized by the company, aimed to build, nurture, and manage customer relationships through consistent and meaningful interactions.

Malam Saminaka emphasized the importance of such engagements as a foundation for establishing lasting connections with customers.

He encouraged customers to remain diligent in paying their electricity bills to avoid service disruptions and ensure the stability of power supply across the region.

“Zamfara Region experiences a monthly loss of over 1 billion naira due to customers failing to settle their electricity bills. This lack of bill recovery is reflected in poor collection efficiency, which impacts effective service delivery in the state,” he added.

The Regional Manager further stated that in order to ensure business success, customers must recognize their obligation to pay for electricity as a fundamental aspect of achieving organizational objectives and enabling the delivery of collective services for mutual benefit.

He continued, “Addressing electricity theft, a major contributor to the power supply crisis and its negative impacts on the value chain, is crucial in reducing revenue losses and debt accumulation within the Nigerian Electricity Supply Industry (NESI), which in turn affects the nation's economy. Engaging in unlawful disconnection, removal, damage, tampering, or interference with the electricity supply is unlawful and detrimental.”

The Secretary of the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) in Gusau, Mr. Aminu Dauda, clarified that the electricity Bands plan is a service-reflective tariff structure mandated by the NERC.

“This new tariff system is designed to ensure that individuals in Nigeria are billed for electricity according to the quality and duration of the electricity they receive. Consequently, there will be modifications in the electricity terms, services, and charges for consumers based on the quality and duration of electricity received. Understanding what a Tariff Band is and its significance is crucial. Your tariff band categorizes the number of hours of electricity you receive per day, providing valuable information to your distribution company. Knowing your tariff band helps you comprehend your monthly electricity consumption and what to anticipate in terms of daily electricity supply. Additionally, enhancing customer engagement is emphasized as a means to further improve the electricity services provided,” he concluded.


Sokoto Regional Office Hosts 3rd Quarter Customer Consultative/Engagement Forum

By Muhammad Umar Tambuwal

The Sokoto Regional Office of Kaduna Electric has organized Customer Consultative/Engagement Forum, bringing customers and company together to share knowledge about the company's operations processes.

The Forum provided a platform for customers to share their experiences, ask questions, and receive updates on company initiatives.

The event was attended by Ma'awuya Madawaki the Sokoto Forum Secretary, Nigeria Electricity Regulatory Commissio, (NERC) with participants expressing appreciation for the open and interactive session. 

Speaking at the occasion, the Regional Manager Sokoto Regional Office, Zanna Ahmed Ashimi, represented by Area Manager, Sokoto South Area Office, Malam Habu Adamu Dawi, explained process of new service and process of acquiring meter and energy management. 

He however highlighted the importance of Energy Management, following due process in handling Electricity and also advises customers against involving unauthorized persons in connection or reconnection of power.

Mr Ashimi, noted the relevance of the Community to protect all power equipment’s placed in their community and report any suspicious movement to the nearest security agency.

"Vandalism is not only impeding the company efforts at ensuring steady power supply but are also placing additional and unnecessary burdens to customers. Please, expose the perpetrators," he admonished.

Key topics addressed included process of New service and Meter Acquisition, Electricity theft, Energy management and consequences

The Area Manager Sokoto Central, Mr Mansur Adamu in his remarks called on customer to always come to office for inquiries in regards to company operations and follow due process and also urge the customers to pay their bills as at when due, to enable the company to meet its expectations and serve its customers better.

The Regional Manager, Mr Zanna appreciated the Customers for honoring invitation and assured the customers that Kaduna Electric is committed to serve its esteemed customers better and attend to their complaints promptly.

Mr Zanna advised customers to read the New Service Form carefully before signing and taking ownership of the business between Kaduna Electric and its customers and urged them to be the company ambassadors as, problems cannot be solved without involving the customers.

Monday 9 September 2024

Kaduna Electric Frontline September Edition

Kaduna Electric Takes Proactive Measures Against Tackling Energy Losses and Fraudulent Practices _Ag. Regional Revenue Protection Manager.

CCD: : Your competence and diligent work led to you being promoted to the position of RPU

Manager. What proactive measures can be taken to reduce technical and financial losses?

ASM: Kaduna Electric encounters challenges primarily from energy losses rather than financial mismanagement. While financial losses do happen, the main obstacle for electric utilities is dealing with energy losses. It is necessary to implement strong and customized plans to reduce these losses, as they have a direct effect on the effectiveness, financial stability, and long-term viability of the utilities.

The implementing proactive measures for revenue recovery and providing flexible payment plans, and transparent billing can also be effective. Furthermore to analyze the use of electricity for identifying irregular patterns, such as missing meters, faulty equipment, theft, unauthorized usage, or failure to disconnect certain users due to inadequate enforcement. Some utilities focus more on technology rather than management practices when setting up a solid meter-to-cash system. Monitoring and evaluating meter integrity, accurate billing, and timely collection are crucial in lowering losses. Regular assessment of these practices is essential for tracking progress in reducing loss over time.

Additionally, you can strengthen the utility team’s capabilities through thorough training, equipping them with the expertise necessary to detect, prevent address revenue losses. Gathering and documenting adequate evidence so that potential prosecution and loss recovery can be possible. Robust internal audit and internal control practices should also be activated to ensure compliance within the internal ranks of the utility. Relaxed internal control may lead to inertia in the fight against utility losses.

Encouraging community involvement is a tactic that promotes accountability and deters unlawful behaviors.

CCD:The organization's business objective was negatively impacted by the minimal enforcement efforts of certain team members. What is your plan to address this issues?

ASM: We manage cash flow by utilizing an Expenditure Prioritization Matrix (EPM) that is in direct confluence with our regulatory Key Performance Indices which are primarily hinged on enhancing service uptime and reducing downtime to the barest minimum for our esteemed customers.

CCD: Deceptive collection practices also lead to decreased revenue in collections, how this can easily be addressed?

ASM: This Fraudulent collection occurs when staff fails to collect or allocate funds owed by customer or misuses the money for personal gain. Unauthorized activities may include tampering with collection records or collaborating with customers or third parties to avoid payment obligations. Such actions can result in financial loss, cash flow problems, and legal repercussions. To prevent unauthorized use the management should monitor and review collection activities, accounts receivable, and cash transactions, comparing them with sales and billing records. Additionally, implementing effective and timely collection procedures, maintaining accurate records, and enforcing strict oversight of collection personnel are essential measures to deter fraudulent practices. 

CCD: Please give a summary of the Revenue Protection Unit and its main goals to help others comprehend its roles and Responsibilities ?

ASM: The Revenue Protection Unit (RPU) is responsible for identifying and mitigating technical and financial losses due to energy theft, meter bypass, and other forms of revenue leakage. Our main goals include:

- Detecting and preventing energy theft

- Conducting regular meter inspections and audits

- Investigating reported cases of meter tampering

- Collaborating with law enforcement to prosecute offenders

- Implementing revenue protection measures

- Educating customers on the risks and consequences of energy theft

The revenue protection teams are specifically trained to monitor and audit connections and metering points regularly to prevent any unauthorized access. Various residential, industrial, and commercial units may try to illegally tap into the system or tamper with meters. To combat this, dedicated teams should be included in the meter-to-cash processes and conduct routine inspections while also responding to any suspicious activity reported by meter readers or smart metering technology.

CCD: What are your designations and regional office ?

ASM: My designation is Ag Regional Revenue Protection Manager (Ag. RRPM), the Regional Team lead Assessment of Zamfara Regional Office. My Regional Office is also responsible for overseeing revenue protection activities in the region, covering three (3) Area Offices and serving quite a number of customers.

CCD: Who is Asma’u Sani Mailafiya and what brings out the best in her?

 ASM: I am Asma’u Sani Mailafiya, the newly appointed Acting Revenue Protection Manager (Ag. RPM) for the regional office, responsible for leading the Revenue and Protection Unit (RPU) in detecting and preventing energy theft, meter tampering, and revenue loss. With 8 years of experience in the energy industry, I possess an understanding of revenue protection principles, metering systems and energy theft detection methods. Till date I have known how to assess all type of customer’s, bill them appropriately based on NERC Regulations when caught with any infraction.

Friday 30 August 2024


"Dynamics of the Nigerian Electricity Market Requires Effective Enterprises Risks Management" _ MD.


The Managing Director/CEO, Dr. Umar Abubakar Hashidu has charged all members of staff of the Company to be alive to their responsibilities and always be prepared to effectively respond to the demands of the changes in the Nigerian Electricity Supply Industry, NESI.


Dr. Umar Hashidu made the assertion in a keynote address this week while declaring opened, a one day knowledge sharing session organized by the Regulatory Economics and Compliance Department for Enterprise Risks Management Champions selected across the Company.


He stated that the dynamics of the Electricity Market poses enormous risks to especially Distribution Licensees that require innovative responses and practical creative solutions.


Dr. Hashidu therefore called on the participants to accord the assignment the seriousness it deserves, charging the "Risks Champions" to be good ambassadors of the Company.


Earlier in his welcome address, the Chief Regulatory Economist and Compliance Officer, Dr. Mamudu Abubakar admonished the participants to see their selection as a call to selfless duty.


He said the Company must always anticipate, plan for and put in place an effective response mechanism to Enterprise Risks which he described as a reality in the emerging bilateral electricity market.


Barnawa Area Office Hosts Successful Quarterly Customer Engagement Forum

By Jamila Bala

The Barnawa Area Office of Kaduna Electric recently organized a highly informative Quarterly Customer Engagement Forum, bringing together customers, stakeholders, and company representatives to discuss pressing issues and find mutually beneficial solutions.


Held on 28th August 2024, the forum provided a platform for customers to share their experiences, ask questions, and receive updates on company initiatives. The event was well-attended, with participants expressing appreciation for the open and interactive session.


The event was geared at discussing pertinent problems faced by customers in their communities, problems such as energy theft, illegal connection /reconnection, Staff assault among others were discussed.


Speaking at the occasion, the Area Manager, Mr Ogungbenro Sunday Babatunde highlighted the importance of Energy Management, following proper safety protocol in handling Electricity, pointing out the dangers of involving unauthorized individuals in connection and or reconnection of power.


Mr Ogungbenro discussed the relevance of the Community to protect all power equipment’s placed in their community, attributing it directly to be effective service delivery.


The forum covered a wide range of subjects crucial to both Kaduna Electric and its Customers. Key topics addressed included new service and meter Acquisition, Electricity theft and consequences


The Customer Engagement Manager, Mr Sunday Yahaya highlighted the need for Collaboration between the Company and Customers, clarifying that Customers are not responsible for paying for Transformers, Cables, Poles among others.’ He also expressed his gratitude to the Customers for attending the forum and participating in the discussion.


After extensive discussions, The Regional Manager, Mr Muazu Aliyu appreciated the Customers for honoring our invitation and bringing out their issues for deliberation. He assured the customers that Kaduna Electric will do its possible best to see them happy and whatever they see, they should call our attention.


“Training and guiding our Staff is what we do every day and if we go astray call our attention because we are here to serve you better” he said.


He however advised them to read the New Service Form carefully   before signing and taking ownership of the business between Kaduna Electric and its customers and urged them to be our ambassadors and problems cannot be solved without involving you the customers.

The forum reinforced Kaduna Electric's commitment to customer satisfaction, transparency, and continuous improvement.

The Barnawa Area Office pledged to address customer concerns and implement feedback in its operations.


Kaduna Electric Regional Manager Meets Sultan of Sokoto

By Umar Muhammad Tambuwal

The Kaduna Electric Regional Manager Sokoto Region, Zanna Ahmed Ashmi, recently paid a courtesy visit to the Sultan of Sokoto at the Sultanate Council Palace. The visit aimed to familiarize the new leadership of Kaduna Electric with the Sultanate and seek His Eminence's support and blessings.


During the visit, Regional Manager Zanna Ahmed Ashmi expressed his desire to strengthen the existing relationship between Kaduna Electric and the Sultanate Council. He stated, "My team and I are here before Your Eminence to seek the necessary support for smooth operations across the state. We acknowledge the existing relationship between Kaduna Electric and the Sultanate Council, and we are committed to maintaining and enhancing it."


Ashmi also informed His Eminence of some challenges faced by the company, such as the vandalization of power installations, non-payment of electricity bills by some customers among others. He sought the Sultanate Council's partnership with traditional and district heads to help sensitize the communities on these issues.


In response, the Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Sa'ad Abubakar, thanked the Regional Manager and his team for their visit. He urged the people of Sokoto State to adopt the habit of paying their electricity bills promptly.

The Sultan also expressed his willingness to assist Kaduna Electric in engaging with communities to emphasize the importance of bill payments.


Furthermore, the Sultan instructed the Galadima of Sokoto to coordinate with all district heads in the state and the company to enhance community awareness. He encouraged the management of Kaduna Electric to continue improving their services, which he believes will foster good customer relations.


His Eminence assured the regional team that his doors are always open to them and welcomed future engagements at any time.



Monday 26 August 2024


Kaduna Electric Hosts Successful Customer Engagement Forum At Doka Area Office
By Jamila Bala

In a significant stride towards enhancing customer satisfaction and addressing pressing concerns, Kaduna Electric's Doka Area Office recently organized a highly productive quarterly customer engagement forum in Kaduna.

The event held on 22nd August 2024, which brought together and provide a platform for customers , stakeholders, and Company representatives to discuss pressing electricity-related issues and work together to find solutions.

During the forum, the Area Manager Mr Kabir Abdulsalam emphasized the importance of customer engagement and discussed power management and discipline. He explained the correlation between power wastage and supply issues urging customers to practice efficient power utilization.

Also other key topics addressed include-New service and steps to acquire new meter, Energy management, Electricity theft and consequences , Assaulting Staff on duty and the Area office performance from May- July 2024.

During the forum, the Area Manager, Mr Abdulsalam emphasized on the importance of customer engagement and discussed efforts to address supply challenges in Doka Area office and its environs.

He appealed to customers to respond promptly to bill's payment, highlighting its significance in enabling the Company to serve them better.
He also called for continued collaboration between customers and Kaduna Electric.

This customer engagement forum demonstrates Kaduna Electric's dedication to prioritizing customer needs, fostering open communication, and driving meaningful 


Kebbi Regional Manager Holds Town Hall Meeting with Traditional Rulers And Community Leaders In Koko
Muhammad Najib Atuwo

The Regional Manager Kebbi, Barrister Makinu Muhammad Sani held town hall meeting with Koko community

During the session the Regional Manager stated the essence of the gathering is to discuss and have a lasting solutions to the menace facing the business atmosphere in Koko and environs.

It is in our records, that the incessant vandalism and apathy to bills payment in Koko Town which is seriously affecting the overall performance of our company.

We are here to solicit for your cooperation and support to find a lasting solutions to all of these lingering issues.

In the month of July, 2024 energy worth more than twenty million Naira was consumed and only three million Naira was realized, the business is really suffering couple with the vandalisation of almost eight out of fifteen distribution transformers that are supplying various areas within the town.

We really need your outmost support to put to an end to the menace of vandalism and also payment of bills promptly.

While thanking the Regional Manager and his team for making the meeting a reality, Dangaladiman Koko Alhaji Musa Salihu Koko (Wakilin Sarkin Koko) said the issue of supply in Koko has be come worrisome, we now know the issues that are not allowing us enjoy supply like before.

Let me assure you that we are fully prepared to support you, as a traditional institution we are working closely with government officials to ensure we safeguard the power equipment’s in and within Koko Town.

We are going to fence all the fifteen distribution transformers in Koko Town and also provide vigilantes to guard the facilities in order to avert reoccurrence of vandalism our transformers.
"I am committed to leading Kaduna Electric to new heights of excellence. I will work tirelessly to ensure our customers receive the best service possible." He said.

We are however going to constitute a very formidable and trusted electricity committee that will be assisting you in discharging your duties freely.

Dangaladima further added that Koko as a commercial town will not be left out in payment of the energy consumed, we know you are in to business and any good business is expected to sell and get profit at the end of the day.

We will implore our people to promptly respond to their respective bills, we really need light even for the security, businesses and wellbeing of our people,  he said.


Kaduna Regional Manager Embarks on Familiarization Visit To Area Offices
By Jamila Bala

The Regional Manager of Kaduna Electric, Mallam Muazu Aliyu, recently embarked on a familiarization visit to all Area offices under his jurisdiction. The visit aimed to acquaint himself with the operations, challenges, and staff of the company.

During the visit, Mal Muazu inspected the Area Offices, and the Customer Service Centres. He interacted with staff, listening to their concerns and suggestions.

Mal Muazu emphasized the importance of teamwork, customer satisfaction, taking ownership, integrity and efficient service delivery.

He assured staff of his commitment to addressing their challenges and providing necessary support.

The familiarization visit is seen as a positive step towards enhancing the performance and reputation of Kaduna Electric.

Staff have expressed optimism about the new Regional Manager's leadership and vision.

"I am committed to leading Kaduna Electric to new heights of excellence. I will work tirelessly to ensure our customers receive the best service possible." He said.

Friday 16 August 2024


 We Are Committed to Blocking Revenue Leakages …. Commercial Manager, Zaria City


CCD: Can you briefly tell us about your self?

AKI: Abdullahi Kabir Isah, I celebrate my birthday every 12th March, I hold a Bachelor  of Technology (Information Technology) from Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University Bauchi, Masters (Information Technology) from Nigeria Defense Academy Kaduna. I am married with kids.


CCD:  What are your responsibilities as a Commercial Manager?

AKI: My major responsibilities include; Prompt billing of MD and Non MD customers, Coordinating all functional sections in billing for effective and efficient operations, Ensuring smooth running of pre-paid meters, Resolving

issues related to data synchronization, Treating all escalated issues from CCM's and PPM unit, Resolving issues related to e-payment channels, Ensuring all new customers data are updated, Ensuring metering standards for new service requests, Timely report on new service etc.

CCD:  What are your challenges since you came on board?

AKI: The critical challenges I have encountered so far includes the following; Logistics and Manpower

CCD:  How do you intend to tackle all these challenges?

AKI: The best of Managers is the one who utilizes scarce resources to get the desired results.

CCD: How do you specifically intend to improve the revenue collection of the Area Office?

AKI: I intend to improve Revenue collection of the Area office by; Blocking leakages, Getting more customers in to the company's database, and reducing commercial and collection losses at all costs and community engagements.

CCD: Where do you see Zaria city Area Office in term of performance and collection efficiency in a few months?

AKI: I see us doing nothing less than an outstanding performance Collection Efficiency of 100%.

CCD: Any appeal or suggestion to the Management/staff?

BS: My appeal to Management; Staff welfare is paramount to getting the best out of us all and to the staff; no matter how tough times get, we should not give up, let's manage the problem creatively and constructively we will all succeed In Sha Allah.




Thursday 25 July 2024


 Emir of Birnin Gwari Assures Kaduna Electric of Prompt Payment of Electricity Bills

By Jamila Bala

The Emir of Birnin Gwari, Alhaji Jibrin Mai Gwari II, has assured Kaduna Electric of the prompt payment of electricity bills by his people. The Emir made this commitment during a meeting in the presence of the Chairman of Birnin Gwari, honorable Salisu Isah and Member of Birnin Gwari constituency, Hon Shehu Abubakar and also the Staff of Kaduna Electric, led by the Regional Manager, Mrs Oluwafumilayo King at his residence in Kaduna.

The Emir expressed his appreciation for coming forward to tackle the issue of non-payment of Electricity Bills by his communities and he also acknowledged the importance of electricity in the socio-economic development of his people.

He pledged to mobilize his people to settle their electricity bills promptly, stressing that this would enable Kaduna Electric to improve its services and expand its network.

He also promised that an average of 5 million Naira would be collected monthly and also local Government council will be involved too , to meet up with these agreements. And please bear with us if we can’t meet up with your demands but definitely we will do something he said.

He also requested representatives from Kaduna Electric to visit Birnin Gwari on Thursday where a committee will be formed and will make an announcement on payment of bills as at when due .He assured that security would be provided for Kaduna Electric staff during the visit.

Additionally, he stated that the sensitization messages would be delivered in mosques after Friday prayers.

The Regional Manager, Kaduna Electric, commended the Emir for his commitment and support, stating that the company would continue to work towards providing reliable and efficient electricity supply to Birnin Gwari and its environs.



By Jamila Bala

In a bid to enhance customer satisfaction and foster strong community ties, the Area Manager of Kawo, Hajiya Hindatu Usman, and her team met with Hakimin Kawo, Mallam Jibril Mohammed Magaji, a renowned expert in customer relations, along with district heads from across the region.

The engagement held at the Kawo Area office, aimed to explore innovative approaches to customer engagement and address common challenges faced by local authorities.

Hakimin Kawo emphasized the importance of transparency, prompt issue resolution, and proactive communication in building trust with electricity customers. "Understanding customer pain points and preferences is crucial in delivering reliable and efficient electricity services,"he noted.

He shared their experiences and best practices highlighting successful initiatives such as regular customer engagement forum, social media outreach, and collaborative problem solving from our end. He went further to discuss more on common challenges, such as power outages, billing disputes, and inadequate customer support.

The Area Manager enlightened the attendees on energy management, the importance of meter upgrades, and new connections. She also urged the chairman of the Electricity Committee and all constituency members to assist in sensitizing the community about issues such as vandalism, energy theft, and the prompt payment of electricity bills.

The meeting concluded with commitments from both parties to implement new strategies and continue the dialogue, ensuring that customer engagement remains a top priority for local leaders.


Kaduna State Attorney General Pledges to Support Kaduna Electric In Fighting Energy Theft.

By Faisal Babadiya

Kaduna State Attorney General and Commissioner for Justice Hon. Suleiman Shehu, SAN has assured Kaduna Electric of his support in tackling the menace of Energy theft and vandalism of electrical equipment.

He made the assertion during a courtesy call paid to him by the management of Kaduna Electric led by the Chief Compliance officer, Dr Abubakar Mamudu recently in Kaduna.

The Commissioner said in his remark that “a court is going to be designated particularly for the cases of energy theft, and I assure you once a case is brought to us, we shall prosecute the perpetrator within a shortest period”.

The Chief compliance Officer, Dr. Abubakar Mamudu, said “energy theft sabotages our business” he had earlier expressed concern that the company find it difficult to convince court to prosecute the perpetrators of energy theft and other electricity offenses. He however appealed to the commissioner to make stiffer penalties for the perpetrators.

The Commissioner commended Kaduna Electric for the visit and promised to partner with Kaduna Electric in protecting critical national assets.


Kebbi Regional Office Held Quarterly Customer Engagement in Kamba

By Najib Muhammad

As part of Kaduna Electric's efforts to engage and enlighten its customers quarterly, the third quarter of customer engagement was held in Kamba Local Government Area of Kebbi State. The event was aimed to provide a platform for an in-depth discussion on various electricity-related issues, reflecting the company's commitment to addressing customer concerns and improving service.

The Area Manager Kebbi Central Area Office Mr. Aliyu Sa'idu stated the essence of the customer quarterly meeting is to engage and discuss the current developments, educate customers more on the operations of the company, and find lasting solutions to certain issues bothering both parties.

We have received numerous complaints about supply in Kamba and its environs, and we are seriously working on resolving the issues, the line was down some time ago due to the collapse of a certain number of poles along Bunza-Kamba road, and poles were all replaced by the company.

You may also recall the fire inferno that damaged sophisticated equipment at the Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN) Birnin-Kebbi in September last year, The Federal Government is still working on restoring the facility. In a note shell, the issue of low supply emanated from that, and we are working closely with TCN Birnin-Kebbi to get things done.

"Despite the limited allocation from the TCN, we are committed to ensuring you receive a supply. We kindly ask that you continue to pay your bills, as this will help us serve you better," he said.

In his remarks, Dr. Mansur Isah, the Sole Administrator of Kamba Local Government, expressed his gratitude to the management of Kaduna Electric for their decision to engage with valued customers in Kamba and address ongoing supply issues in the area. He also assured that he will always be available to assist and ensure that the community enjoys reliable electricity just like other areas.

The district Head of Kamba, Sarkin Shiko Alhaji Mamuda Zaruman Fana, stated that the issue of low supply allocation in Kamba has significantly impacted businesses and residents, exacerbated by the country's economic hardships. Despite previous discussions, he appealed for continued support to restore normal supply to the community.

He also urged Kaduna Electric to invest more in metering customers, as this would greatly reduce instances of non-compliance with bill payments. He added that forums like this provide an opportunity for both the company and customers to discuss and address issues, working towards lasting solutions to customer complaints.



Tuesday 16 July 2024



New Chairman Solicits Staff Support as New Investors Resume.


The new Chairman of Kaduna Electric, Alhaji Aminu Abubakar Suleiman, has solicited for the maximum cooperation of all staff as a new dawn begins in the Company.

He made this assertion at a brief meeting with the Management team after the formal take over from the NERC appointed Special Board in a ceremony presided over by the NERC Commissioner for Legal, Licensing and Compliance, Mr. Dafe Okpaneye in Kaduna last week.

The Chairman assured that the entire Management team will remain in place and that every member of staff will be given a level playing field to prove his competence. He commended all staff for the good work done so far even as he reminded that a lot more effort needed to be put in to meet the expectations of the new Board.

He said the new Board is eager to go to work and has already constituted the relevant Board Committees which will commence work next week.

In his remark at the meeting, the Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Umar Hashidu, welcomed the new Board on behalf of all staff. He thanked them for believing in the team by giving them the opportunity to serve, adding that the team will demonstrate its utmost to prove its worth.



Kaduna Electric Tasks Electricity Users in Birnin Gwari Local Government to Improve Response to Payment of Bills.


The Kaduna State Regional Manager of Kaduna Electric, Mrs. Fumilayo King has described the persistent poor commercial performance in Birnin Gwari Local Government of Kaduna State as the bane of service delivery challenges in the Area.

Mrs. King made the observation on Monday when she granted audience to the Member representing Birnin Gwari Local Government in Kaduna State House of Assembly, Hon. Shehu Abubakar who stood in for the Chairman of the Local Government in her office.


She described the response of electricity users in the Area to payment of electricity bills as "abysmal", saying that only 11% of the cost of energy delivered to Birnin Gwari Local Government is being realized whilst the adjoining rural communities are virtually paying nothing.

According to Mrs. King, "the major challenge the Company is facing in Birnin Gwari Local Government is our inability to collect even 20% of what is given to both the Birnin Gwari Township 11KV feeder and the 33KV Tee-offs that serve the rural communities".

"The average monthly billing of the 11KV Township Feeder is about 8 million naira and the total outstanding as at the end of last month stood at over 900 million naira with only 11% response rate while only about 2% of the cost of energy being delivered to the 33KV Tee-offs is realized monthly", she said.

She called on stakeholders, including political, traditional and religious leaders in the Local Government to educate and sensitize electricity users on the importance of prompt and timely payment of electricity bills as this is the only panacea to the challenge the Company is facing in the Area.

"11% and 2% response rates cannot guarantee any sustainable improvement. The bed the Company can do in the present circumstances is to place the Local Government on Band E tariff which only allows for four hours of supply daily", she said.

In his response, Hon. Shehu Abubakar, whose mission was to seek more power supply allocation to the Local Government, promised to immediately convey a meeting of all critical Stakeholders in the Local Government where the issue shall be discussed and revert back to the Company in due course.

Both parties agreed to work together for the needed improvement in customers' response as well as service delivery.