Monday 9 September 2024

Kaduna Electric Frontline September Edition

Kaduna Electric Takes Proactive Measures Against Tackling Energy Losses and Fraudulent Practices _Ag. Regional Revenue Protection Manager.

CCD: : Your competence and diligent work led to you being promoted to the position of RPU

Manager. What proactive measures can be taken to reduce technical and financial losses?

ASM: Kaduna Electric encounters challenges primarily from energy losses rather than financial mismanagement. While financial losses do happen, the main obstacle for electric utilities is dealing with energy losses. It is necessary to implement strong and customized plans to reduce these losses, as they have a direct effect on the effectiveness, financial stability, and long-term viability of the utilities.

The implementing proactive measures for revenue recovery and providing flexible payment plans, and transparent billing can also be effective. Furthermore to analyze the use of electricity for identifying irregular patterns, such as missing meters, faulty equipment, theft, unauthorized usage, or failure to disconnect certain users due to inadequate enforcement. Some utilities focus more on technology rather than management practices when setting up a solid meter-to-cash system. Monitoring and evaluating meter integrity, accurate billing, and timely collection are crucial in lowering losses. Regular assessment of these practices is essential for tracking progress in reducing loss over time.

Additionally, you can strengthen the utility team’s capabilities through thorough training, equipping them with the expertise necessary to detect, prevent address revenue losses. Gathering and documenting adequate evidence so that potential prosecution and loss recovery can be possible. Robust internal audit and internal control practices should also be activated to ensure compliance within the internal ranks of the utility. Relaxed internal control may lead to inertia in the fight against utility losses.

Encouraging community involvement is a tactic that promotes accountability and deters unlawful behaviors.

CCD:The organization's business objective was negatively impacted by the minimal enforcement efforts of certain team members. What is your plan to address this issues?

ASM: We manage cash flow by utilizing an Expenditure Prioritization Matrix (EPM) that is in direct confluence with our regulatory Key Performance Indices which are primarily hinged on enhancing service uptime and reducing downtime to the barest minimum for our esteemed customers.

CCD: Deceptive collection practices also lead to decreased revenue in collections, how this can easily be addressed?

ASM: This Fraudulent collection occurs when staff fails to collect or allocate funds owed by customer or misuses the money for personal gain. Unauthorized activities may include tampering with collection records or collaborating with customers or third parties to avoid payment obligations. Such actions can result in financial loss, cash flow problems, and legal repercussions. To prevent unauthorized use the management should monitor and review collection activities, accounts receivable, and cash transactions, comparing them with sales and billing records. Additionally, implementing effective and timely collection procedures, maintaining accurate records, and enforcing strict oversight of collection personnel are essential measures to deter fraudulent practices. 

CCD: Please give a summary of the Revenue Protection Unit and its main goals to help others comprehend its roles and Responsibilities ?

ASM: The Revenue Protection Unit (RPU) is responsible for identifying and mitigating technical and financial losses due to energy theft, meter bypass, and other forms of revenue leakage. Our main goals include:

- Detecting and preventing energy theft

- Conducting regular meter inspections and audits

- Investigating reported cases of meter tampering

- Collaborating with law enforcement to prosecute offenders

- Implementing revenue protection measures

- Educating customers on the risks and consequences of energy theft

The revenue protection teams are specifically trained to monitor and audit connections and metering points regularly to prevent any unauthorized access. Various residential, industrial, and commercial units may try to illegally tap into the system or tamper with meters. To combat this, dedicated teams should be included in the meter-to-cash processes and conduct routine inspections while also responding to any suspicious activity reported by meter readers or smart metering technology.

CCD: What are your designations and regional office ?

ASM: My designation is Ag Regional Revenue Protection Manager (Ag. RRPM), the Regional Team lead Assessment of Zamfara Regional Office. My Regional Office is also responsible for overseeing revenue protection activities in the region, covering three (3) Area Offices and serving quite a number of customers.

CCD: Who is Asma’u Sani Mailafiya and what brings out the best in her?

 ASM: I am Asma’u Sani Mailafiya, the newly appointed Acting Revenue Protection Manager (Ag. RPM) for the regional office, responsible for leading the Revenue and Protection Unit (RPU) in detecting and preventing energy theft, meter tampering, and revenue loss. With 8 years of experience in the energy industry, I possess an understanding of revenue protection principles, metering systems and energy theft detection methods. Till date I have known how to assess all type of customer’s, bill them appropriately based on NERC Regulations when caught with any infraction.

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