Friday 24 May 2024



“Working as a Team is the Secret of Our Modest Success”  …..Ag. Service Center Manager, Zaria City.


CCD: Can you briefly tell us about your self?

ATIKU SANI, Ag. Manager Zaria City
AS: I’m very communicative, detail-oriented, and versatile. I'm a team player and always working towards the overall growth of Kaduna Electric.
I’m also persistent and persuasive. Working in Kaduna Electric, as a sales representative and acting service center manager these traits have served me well. Outside of work, I enjoy taking part in reading, listening to public business analysis on TV and other media outlets where I can learn to improve my knowledge and skills.

CCD:  What is it to be supervising service center, can you share with us?

AS: Being a service center manager I'm saddle with the responsibility of ensuring seamless running of Service Centre thereby overseeing revenue collections, customer issues, monitoring of technical staff activities and detection of illegal connections.
On running a service center it wasn't easy at first because I have been together with the team under our previous managers. Some of the staff thinks we've have been together as SRs they will do any how but after I was saddle with the responsibility I take it as an added advantage to me because I know almost everywhere in the service center and the employees I'm dealing with after realizing that I immediately have to act professionally and communicate to my team on the set target and what is expected of us by the company and providing the ways and means of achieving to those expectations.

Being service center manager requires one to be a good communicator be it with the customers, the management and the employees under ones watch because when there's good understanding of the customers, the employees and the nature of the environment one is managing it will become easier to navigate and meet the company's expectations. It also requires one to be a good decision maker, creative and analytical, diligence and integrity, team player and a comprehensive understanding of the business because you're the lifeline of that service center.

CCD:  What do you consider as the most challenging part of supervising people and managing customer's?

AS: The hardest part of me being a manager was learning and navigating through the various individual differences of my subordinate it requires time and patience and professionalism. As someone who is very passionate about the work I do, I would become easily frustrated when a peer did not show that same level of pride in doing a good job or providing customer satisfaction. When I was promoted to the acting role and now had to manage those same people, I not only had to acquire new skills and knowledge but also undergo difficult personal changes. I had to find creative ways to motivate my team and hold them accountable for their performance. It was definitely a challenge, but those who were willing increased their personal development and fond better ways of working. That was the rewarding part for me. For me also was dealing with each different personality of each individual on your team. Good or bad everyone has an opinion and how you respond to them is important on dealing with them and not create conflict. You have to be sensitive to their needs as well as the needs of the business.

CCD: How do you ensure fairness among your workers?

AS: My approach always prioritizes respect, fairness, and the well-being of both employees and the company. I make sure everybody's right enshrined by the company's condition are respected and applied equally on every member of my team because my believe is that by treating employees equally without prejudice will truly give a maximum result as I witness the best ever performance of the feeder under my watch.

CCD: What  is your major achievement in the service center?

AS: My major Achievement was that I was able together with my team increase the collection efficiency of the service center significantly. For instance, in October 2023 which was my first month as acting service manager I was able to  improve the collection by  close to 4M as against the Sept. 2023. In December last year we recorded the highest ever collection of 11.6 million.
CCD: Any appeal or suggestion to the Management/staff?

BS: The management should be committed on all staff’s remuneration and welfarism to enable smooth operation while Staffs remain committed with their duties as per condition of service.




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