We Have Built a Formidable Team Where Everyone Works Willingly Towards the Achievement of set Objectives...IGHO OKPAKO
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IOK: My name is Igho Okpako, I joined Kaduna Electricity Distribution Company on 1st September, 2015 as a Sales Representative. In December 1st, 2015, I was appointed Service Center Manager for the 11KV Constitution Road, Feeder. In 2017, I was transferred to 11KV NACB Feeder as SCM. In 2019, I was moved to 11KV Malali feeder in the same capacity then again, I was transferred to 11KV Unguwan Rimi Feeder, later in the same year I was transferred to 11KV Dawaki as SCM and in November 2021 I was promoted to the position of Commercial Manager DOKA Area Office till date.
CCD: What are your responsibilities as a Commercial Manager?
IOK: My primary responsibility is to ensure the following:
a. Ensure that all customer readings are accurately taken and maintenance is correctly captured before billing.
b. Timely submission of correct billing data to the Head Office for prompt bill printing.
c. Timely receipt of printed bills from the Head Office for onward dispatch to Service Center Managers.
d. Ensuring proper customer enumeration is carried out across all service centers.
e. Assist in preparation and conducting of internal performance reviews for the Area Office on a regular basis.
f. Ensuring all identified new customers are captured into the billing system.
g. Carry out customer engagements activities.
h. Minimize duplication of bills and rectification of any billing issues as well as ensuring customer complaints are resolved timely.
CCD: What are your challenges so far?
IOK: Some of the challenges I encountered are, but not limited to, Sales Representatives not taking full ownership of their clusters as expected. Billing Issues/Customer complaints. PPM Alignment issues.
CCD: How do you intend to tackle all these challenges?
IOK: We do on the spot checks and mentor ship for the sales representatives, we also engage in constant reviews with the sales representatives and SCMs, thereby bringing to fore areas where they need to concentrate and make positive impacts. We gave a standing order to all the feeders not to go below the NERC capped threshold and approved KWH/amount for billing un-metered customers. we also engage in taking load assessments for customers thus ensuring energy is channelled to the right places, thereby reducing customer complaints on billing. By so doing, we have achieved 100% billing efficiency and reduced customer complaints on billing. These measures also have helped to reduce our ATC&C losses level to 62% as at February 2022. We have also done so many PPM alignments and its work in progress for us?
CCD: How do you specifically intend to improve the revenue collection of the Area Office ?
IOK: Accurate billing of customers resulting in the willingness to pay because they are satisfied. We have a secretariat at the Area Office which reviews daily collections per SRS and Service Centers; this serves as a dashboard for us and gives us direction on where to hit and make positive impact. Ensuring all customer complaints are resolved within the shortest possible time. More Separations and capturing of customers, thereby reducing losses and improve collections. Ensuring all bills get to the customers and are captured on the bill distribution app within the approved time frame resulting in collection efficiency. Ensuring all our POS are functional and in use by the sale representatives because every kobo counts. Lastly, teamwork, we have built a formidable team in DOKA Area Office where everyone works willingly towards the achievement of set objectives.
CCD: Where do you see Doka Area Office in terms of performance and collection efficiency in a few months?
IOK: In the next few months, we will continue to work towards reducing the ATC&C Losses from the current 62% to the barest minimum level. We will strive to achieve 100% collection efficiency and continue to remain the Area Office with the highest collection efficiency month on month.
CCD: What is your appeal to the management/staff of Kaduna Electric?
IOK: I appreciate the management's effort towards staff welfare and reward for performance, let it continue to be so. Also, to staff let's continue to be committed and work towards achieving Kaduna Electric 's goal of being the best supplier of electricity to its customers. Long live Kaduna Electricity Distribution Company.