Friday, 27 August 2021


Customer Orientation/Engagement is  Vital to Revenue Generation - Salisu H. Danyaro

CCD: Briefly tell us about yourself?

HD: My names are Salisu Hamisu Danyaro. I did Imperial School at Kudenda, Kaduna State, and I had my first degree from Kaduna State University. I served in Cross River State, I have worked with some commercial banks and private Company before joining Kaduna Electric.

CCD: When did you join the Company and what are your primary assignment?

 SHD:I joined Kaduna Electric in September 2015 and my major assignment are as follows;

a. Revenue generation.

b. Reduction of all losses both technical and commercial.

c. 100% customer Satisfaction. 

CCD: Please tell us more about the aspect of your responsibility and how do you manage it?

SHD: Just like I said, customer's satisfaction to about 90% - 100% in terms of resolving their complaints, this will enhance collection as they won't hesitate to pay their bills since you are there for their satisfaction.

Customer Orientation/ Engagement is very vital. They should be enlightened on the energy consumed.

Reclassification/ identification of customer that are consuming more of your energy will also help in cash generation.

CCD:  One reason for low performance is revenue leakage. How do you plug revenue leakage?

SHD: The only way to solve this problem is proper enumeration, identification and capturing of illegal customers.

CCD: Tell us your greatest achievement since joining the Company and the secret behind your recent elevation to your new position as Service Center Manager? 

SHD: Communication is the key to most successful business. Making analysis of numbers of your customers and how each of them is consuming your energy. Then strategize on how to collect outstanding bills. Explain to your customers on the new tariffs, educate them on the energy they consume and need for them to pay their bill.

CCD: What skill do you apply that will help you succeed in your responsibility?

SHD: The only thing is to make the business yours. If it fails, you failed and if it succeeds,

CCD: What is your greatest professional Strength?

SHD:  I can do it and consistent application of strategies and analysis on my customer data base.

CCD: What do you think is your weakness?

SHD: Gossip and side talks. They destroy the spirit of working together.

CCD:  Any appeal to the staff and management.

SHD: For staffs,

1. Please we should work as a team and be brothers.

2. We should try as much as possible to communicate appropriately to customers as to collect our money

For Management,

1. Please they should continue to provide protective measures to enable us deliver perfectly 

especially those that are outside Kaduna.