Thursday, 23 May 2019


Vandalism Can Be Curbed With Community Sensitization

CCD: Abdul-Kabir Suleiman, give us an insight into your background?

AS: I am a true Nigerian, a native of Ilorin Kwara State; though I was born in Argungu, Kebbi State. I attended Sarki Sani Primary School Argungu, but completed my primary school education in Al-Firdaus Primary School Ojo, Lagos State. I attended Abdallah Comprehensive College, Shibiri Ojo, Lagos State. After completing my secondary education, I proceeded to Bayero University Kano, where I bagged Diploma in Common and Islamic Law, eventually to University of Ilorin where I obtained a Degree in Common and Islamic Law.    

CCD: When did you join Kaduna Electric and what is your role in the Legal Department?
AS: I joined Kaduna Electric as Legal Officer in November 2018. My role in the Legal Department of the Company is to handle the company's cases both civil and criminal before the court of law.

CCD: Give us a legal perspective on how you are managing cases of vandalism.
AS: Let me emphasize that the work of legal department is more than the fight against vandalism. As I have said earlier on, we are to oversee civil cases against the company and ensure that litigations against the company are minimal through alternative dispute resolution. However, it is the responsibility of the department to ensure that vandals are apprehended, arraigned before a competent court of law. We ensure that all cases of vandalisms are taken to court, and we are building a good relationship with all relevant stakeholders in the state, such as police, vigilante groups and judiciary.

CCD: What do you think the company should do to reduce vandalism and other related cases?
AS: I think the company should sensitize the communities on how expensive the distribution facilities are; they should be advised to report any suspected persons seen vandalizing the company's property. The company should also build a good relationship with all stakeholders in the society.

CCD: What do you consider the challenges of meeting your set objectives?
AS:Generally speaking, there is need for a library in the legal department of the company in order to ensure efficiency of the department. However, one of the major challenges of power sector today in Nigeria is lack of relevant laws books.

CCD:Are there achievements recorded so far, since you assumed duty here in Kebbi Regional Office?
AS: Yes, there is, we have been able to convict two vandals which will apparently send a strong warning to others.

CCD:Any appeal or suggestions to staff and management?
AS: We should always put in our best in whatever role assigned to us.

Thursday, 9 May 2019


Proper Record  Keeping Ensures Efficiency 

CCD: May we know you?
ASM: My name is Asma'u Sani Mailafiya Gusau, I am the Team Lead, Assessment, Gusau Regional Office.

CCD: Can you brief us on what your primary assignment is?
ASM: As the Team Lead, I am responsible for all that happen in the Unit. I provide the necessary leadership and guide to the Team. Basically, I analyze reports brought to me by the enforcement teams of the regional office, I keep record of the forms and bookings make every day and do all the necessary calculations to generate the bills for offenders. I also engage customers that were caught with bye-pass, energy theft etc serve them letters that contains the statutory charges (including loss of revenue, penalty and admin charges) and follow up to make sure that the payments are made.

CCD: What do you think are the most difficult aspect of the assignment?
ASM: The most challenging task is making sure that customers pay up the charges in order to make sure that the company is not at lost, looking at the financial situation of the state, It's not easy convincing customers.

CCD: What technique do you apply that helps you succeed in your responsibilities?
ASM: Proper record keeping, forwarding of booked customers that failed to come to the office after disconnection, proper monitoring, encouraging my team members to be hard working. And I will work through the company's process to ensure good revenue generation.

CCD: What is your greatest professional strength?
ASM: My strength is my flexibility to handle changes. As metering staff before, I was able to turn around the working environment and be a very supportive member.

CCD: What do you think is your weakness?
ASM : As far as weaknesses, I feel that my management skill could be stronger and I am constantly working to improve them.

CCD: Any appeal to the Staff and the Management?
ASM: My appeal to the Management is to continue to provide support to the staff, what is genuinely needed should be provided at the right time and to the staff, sincerity is the best answer. Long live Kaduna Electric!!