face the challenge of adequate working materials
CCD: Engineer Aliyu Alkali as the Distribution Engineer, tell us how the
Makera Area Office is being run?
AA: Usually the
Distribution Engineer are in charge of the whole network stability, extension
and the new project at the Area Office level. Directly they coordinate the
activities of all the service engineers of the company.
CCD: What are your strategies for
achieving the Area Office’s target?
CCD: What would you consider as your
major achievement?
AA: We have a very
good cooperation with the entire management from the head office and that has
made us to have a very successful operation at the distributions substations.
we achieved a lot even though we face some challenges. The success we have was
there were renovations maintenance of power transformers at injection
sub-station particularly 2-7.5 injection substation has been in a bad shape
with the assistance from head office the entire sub-station has been put in
good shape.
CCD: Area of relationship management Sir.
AA: Well, to manage
staff is very hectic but we are trying our best. Most of the staff particularly
the one that come in as a technical staff we are giving them trying on
the job and for those that are actually willing to learn are learning and that
is also assisting the success of the job, while that of customers we treat there
are complaints as it comes even though is not easy to satisfy a customer
hundred percent but we are trying our possible best to see that our customers
are happy with us.
CCD: What would you consider as the challenging part of been a
Distribution Engineer?
AA: The challenges are
numerous which I know it has effected most of the company not Kaduna Electric
only, the bigger challenge we are having now is the working materials the ones
we have are not very sufficient we still need more to carryout maintenance
particularly we discovered now that although the raining season is out,
we have what we call the plan maintenance, routine maintenance and daily
maintenance; that of the daily maintenance we are coping with it but, for a
plan maintenance we definitely need assistance from the Head Office and that
would help us to have stable supply without any interruption of power to the
customers. The second constraint is that some of the Sales Reps are slow
in understanding their responsibilities and the demand of their offices. I
don’t know if some of them had the necessary orientation before they were
posted to the fields or not, almost everyday, one has to remind them of certain
routine demand of the job, work flow etc. There is also the need for more hands
in the Unit.
CCD: With your experience as an engineer, tell us one thing you want the
Management to do differently.
AA: They management
should send staff for training, is very important and secondly they should
provide that needed materials for maintenance .I think with that the Area
Offices should be able to grow faster.
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