Kaduna Electric Board Has
Approved New Gender Policy-Company Secretary
''there shall be equal opportunities for women and men; there shall not be any specific actions or, job roles/responsibilities, performance appraisal, training, career growth etc., for women or men; each employee should be treated the same; there shall be respect for women;
Dr Maryam S Muhammed Company Secretary
The Board has recently
approved a new Gender Policy for the Company, what does this Gender Policy
really entail?
Dr Maryam: The Board approved the “Workplace Gender Equality and
Diversity Policy” in recognition of the fact that gender mainstreaming is a
priority for the Board and Management of the Company. It incorporates not only
the recognition of the need to place gender issues at the forefront of recruitment s and promotions but also the differences (strengths) that each
gender brings to the table. It strives to bring cohesiveness and inclusion.
The policy applies to all
staff, permanent and contract, vendors, and customers. The policy covers
conduct in the workplace, on and off business premises. It covers recruitment, selection and promotion; terms and conditions of employment; professional development; flexible working options for nursing mothers; safe working environment; leadership, management and accountability; grievances, disciplinary action and termination of employment.
The policy states that there shall be
no discrimination; there shall be equal opportunities for
women and men; there shall not be any specific actions or, job roles/responsibilities, performance appraisal, training,
career growth etc., for women or men; each employee should be treated the same;
there shall be respect for women; there
will be deliberate efforts to bridge the gender diversity gap; while rigid gender norms limit growth, efforts shall be made to provide equitable policies to
balance inequities; this policy also recognizes that gender norms and hierarchies grant more privilege to some groups over others; there shall be a conducive working environment where all Employees
are treated fairly and equitably with respect and dignity; there shall be
mechanisms to swiftly address incidences of discrimination, insensitivity,
unfair treatment based on gender or disability; Kaduna Electric shall embrace
diversity and celebrate the unique potential of its workforce and challenge
discriminatory behavior.
How can the Company ensure gender equality in the
management and operations?
Dr Maryam: The Board has taken the first step, which is recognizing
that there must be a discussion about gender mainstreaming and inclusiveness,
then the approval of a Policy that ensures that the strength of each gender is
magnified for the benefit of the organization. Where there is need for support
towards equity, the Board and Management will recognize this. Equality will not
exist where there is no equity. Gender mainstreaming will not exist where the
discussion on gender is not had. So, Kaduna Electric in taking these steps, is
already working towards enshrining gender balance in the organization. It is
however important to note that this is a journey so will not happen in one day.
Following the approval of the policy, deliberate steps have
to be taken to ensure that there is full implementation of the policy, there is
genuine effort to bring more women on board at every level of the Company’s
operations and that there is a recognition of the issues that need equitable
measures to be put in place. For instance, having a crèche for nursing mothers
to enable them manage time and concentrate on the job, knowing that their
children are close by.
How will the new Gender Policy
enhance productivity and engender healthy competition among the staff?
Dr Maryam: The simple knowledge that the Company is providing an
equal and equitable playing field for staff in promotions and opportunities
will stimulate healthy competition. The fact that as a woman, promotions
will not be missed just because that woman went on maternity leave (as long as
the woman has been a high performing staff). There are issues that are unique
to women and once these are considered, the sky is the limit.
We must not forget however, that this in industry
that has historically been male dominated and there must be a conscious effort
to bridge the gender gap. These are issues that are being tackled globally by
the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal No. 5 on Gender Equality and
other international conventions.
There is no gain saying the fact that our male
counterparts have dominated leadership position in the Company and not much can
be seen in terms of business growth and efficiency in service delivery, don’t
you think it is time the women folk should play more prominent and strategic
roles in the Company?
Dr Maryam: I agree that there is male dominance in leadership in the
Company. There is one female member of the Executive Management Committee and
three females in the Management Committee of fifteen. For the longest time,
there was only one female Area Manager and in the last recruitment exercise, the
number increased to two out of eighteen. Statistics show that in Kaduna
Electric, the male to female ratio is about 1:11 in leadership. The question to
ask is why the numbers are so lean. There is a combination of factors that
attribute to this. First is that historically and globally, the power sector is
male dominated. This in addition to the demographics in the franchise area of
the Company adds to the low female representation. However, it is not
impossible to increase the numbers where deliberate steps are taken to so do.
There is not an iota of doubt that when one utilizes the
best of all of the resources available, the chances of success are higher.
Having women in leadership roles will promote diversity, having different
points of view from the mainstream, a different approach, a different
perspective and probably different or even improved results. This we have
witnessed in 2018 where the only female Area Manager won most of the awards at
the Rewards and Recognition Ceremony held at the end of the year as she
increased the revenue of her Area Office astronomically. This is one of many
examples of women in leadership in
Kaduna Electric. Studies
have shown that countries and organizations led by women are mostly peaceful
and prosperous.
As an active advocate of gender equality and women
empowerment, what do you think are the factors hindering career progression of
women especially from northern Nigeria?Dr Maryam: We have amazing examples of northern women representing us
in global places like Mrs. Amina Mohammed at the United Nations. In history, we
have Queen Amina of Zazzau, the powerful Gambo Sawaba, Laila Dogonyaro and
other prominent women in politics. Having said this, we are still quite conservative
in the North and this plays a role in reducing the number of women in active
leadership positions in all sectors. Early marriage, child rearing and
breeding, responsibilities from the home front without proper support to
prosper in the career, poor or lack of mentorship, are some of the issues women
face. These are some of the factors that stall or impede career progression in
women in Northern Nigeria.
The annual International Women’s Day celebration was held a
couple of months ago, what is your take in this year’s celebration and how will
this year’s theme shape the advocacy for women right?
Dr Maryam: The International Women’s day celebration for me was a
huge success and it brings home the fact that we as an organization have
accepted and incorporated the issue of gender mainstreaming in the Company’s
operations. The Chairman, Board of Directors was not only present at the event,
in his speech, he reiterated the Board’s commitment to ensuring that gender-gap
is addressed and that gender equity is entrenched in recruitment and
promotions. This for me is critical as it gives hope that gender issues will
continue to be discussed and actively addressed. There is also hope that more
women will occupy leadership roles in Kaduna Electric and one day, we will look
back and congratulate ourselves for laying the foundation for this.
The theme for the 2021 International Women’s Day “Achieving
and equal Future in a Covid-19 World” and the slogan #choosetochallenge
both address what we are currently in need
of. We must take a stand and choose to challenge whatever thwarts gender
equality or promotes gender inequality in all ramifications. The world will be
a better place where rights, freedoms and opportunities are equal.
What are the necessary factors that determine a success of
a woman in her chosen career?
Dr Maryam: There are many factors that hinder the success of a woman
in any chosen career as we discussed earlier. Everyone needs support to succeed
but a woman needs extra support in her career. We must be mindful of the role
that mentoring and grooming plays in aiding women. One of the reasons why there
is a dearth of women in leadership in the power sector for example is that even
from university admissions, there are less women who apply and qualify for
courses like engineering as they are considered masculine courses. There is a
need for deliberate efforts to get those girls/women into the courses so they
can graduate, get employed in the sector and grow into leadership roles. This
can be made attractive through scholarships and other incentives.
A support structure is key. Having someone to look after
the children, while a woman is in school or at work, having access to
funding/scholarship for education, being on an equitable, balanced playing
field at work, participating in healthy competition in the workplace, free from
discrimination and lots more. These all aid a woman’s success in their chosen
What is your advice/call to especially the female staff of
Kaduna Electric?
Dr Maryam: Be intentional about your growth and progress, never stop
growing, never stop learning. Ensure that you position yourself to lead, where
you are already a leader, be the best that there is. Know your job, live it,
perfect it and be the first anyone would call where the job needs to be done.
Get mentors, and sponsors. Ensure that you have people to call when you need to
analyze an idea or a plan. Everyone needs someone who would call her/his name
in a room full of opportunities, who is that person for you? Do you have any?
Build relationships, nurture them. Network with the right people, opportunities
come to everyone, but are you ready to step up? Take
responsibility of and your life and career. Don’t make excuses and don’t take
too long to decide where you want to be. Take active steps towards growth.
Finally, be kind to yourself. You can’t pour from an empty cup so first of all,
make sure you are okay