Curtailing the Commercial and Collection Losses is Our Major Concern… Bashir abdulmalik
CCD: Sir Can we briefly have your profile?
BA: My name is Bashir AbdulMalik, I am a marketer and have been in the marketing department over the years. I once held the position of feeder supervisor in the Company and I am currently the High Customer Based Manager of Kebbi Region.
CCD: How do you see the new structure of the Company?
BA: The new structure is well thought of and has a lot of ingredient that no doubt will move the Company forward; it came at the right. Our hope is that it would be implemented religiously.
CCD: Since your office is a new one in the Company, what are your responsibilities?
BA: My responsibilities are numerous; I am in charge of bill distribution to the end point, ensuring that all non– maximum demand customers settle their electricity bills and reconnection fees are paid where applicable and timely rendition of returns.
CCD: How are these tasks you undertake help the business?
BA: By making sure that bills get to all customers on time is the first step towards successful revenue generation. My duty also provides the Company an opportunity to have up-to-date data in relation to response to payment, tracking bills/payment, etc. I don’t think the revenue being realized could have been possible without these tasks.
CCD: What are the challenges Kaduna Electric is facing from your own view?
BA: Challenges are inevitable that cannot be ruled out in an ideal set up; for any advantage there is disadvantage. The biggest challenge this company has is energy
losses, and these energy losses are in stages and different fold, we have energy loses as a result of theft and as a result of network and we striving so much to overcome it.
CCD: How can we overcome some of the challenges you have mentioned?
BA: Overcoming this challenge is going to be gradual but we need high level of prudency and integrity. We should start with plugging all loopholes to energy loss by making sure that the entire energy intake are dully accounted for.
CCD: Kebbi Region has large area of coverage how do you operate?
BA: Indeed, Kebbi Region has large area of coverage and the thing is that we have sales/customers service points across the State; we have the Area Office, then the feeders which covers towns and villages. These feeders are managed by the feeder managers who oversees the activities of cash collection with the help of sales representatives and other supporting staff. These crews’ activities ensures optimum commercial activities in relation to energy distributions and sales. However, these feeder managers activities are checked time to time making sure that they adhere strictly to the established procedure/processes
CCD: Business like ours need accountability, fairness, how do you do it within your capacity?
BA: Accountability is an umbrella word, it cut across all aspect of the Company’s operations; to be accountable is to ensure that all the customer really pay what they have consumed, making sure that the money collected are remitted to the Company’s coffer, to ensure that we discharge our duties diligently, to prudently make resources in our care, to effectively supervise our subordinates, etc. This is accountability.
CCD: How is the relationship with other department ?
BA: The Company is like a moving vehicle where we have the tires, the wheels, engine, body and field. We must work harmoniously within ourselves to achieve a common goal.
CCD: Target remains an issue of discussion, what is your take on Kebbi Region’s target?
BA: Target is an avenue for appraisal and to determine ones focus, if you don’t have a target, it means you don’t have a focus. For example, we have targets to cover, certain number of customers, to meet up customer demands, to make sure that energy consumed is been paid for, ensure that the human resources available are effectively utilized, etc. So, targets are part of any human setting.
CCD: Sir, how can we build wonderful and marvelous Kaduna Electric?
BA: The beginning of a beautiful structure starts from good planning, Kaduna electric has a base, I will love to put it to the Management and staff of Kaduna Electric as well that a lot is expected from us. So, we must work very hard.